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[Atomika No. 3]

Atomika No. 3

by Dabb, Abbinanti, Buzz, Strain, & Sotelo; cover by Glenn Fabry
Far beyond the civilized boulevards of Moscow lies the wilderness of Siberia, home to beasts, half-men, dark and forgotten things, and the Golog. This massive prison warehouses criminals, dissidents, freedom fighters and fools. These damned men are held tight in the icy grip of Morosko, the merciless Frost God who is nourished and strengthened by the ever-growing number of souls arriving in the Golog. But Atomika will tolerate no other deity in his kingdom! He comes for Morosko, and there on the barren tundra these two titans will inevitably clash in the ultimate crusade as -- in the distance -- the Golog's prisoners watch, not knowing whether to pray for salvation...or death.

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Publisher:Speakeasy Comics
Issue:No. 3
Cover Price:$2.99
Cover Date:2005 May
Release Date:

Atomika Comic Book Back Issues


Speakeasy Comics Back Issues

Speakeasy Comics

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