G-Mart is strongly committed to customer service! We know that success requires treating our customers well, and our goal is to give you first class customer service every time. We strive to process your orders quickly and accurately and with high quality, and we take pride in our ability to treat your comics well and deliver exactly what you ordered.

G-Mart offers many options with a high level of customization, and at first glance these can seem dizzying! As a result, we offer resources to help you understand common issues, correct any problems, and improve your time with us:

If you have questions that aren't in the FAQ then please don't hesitate to email! You will find us very enthusiastic to help you have a good shopping experience!

NOTE: if you don't get an answer within 1-2 business days then check your spam folder! (Really! Services like Yahoo, AOL, and Hotmail are WAY too aggressive mis-classifying legitimate business email as spam!)

Address for payments and returned packages:

7543 Central Ave
Skokie, IL 60077

Customer Service
Copyright © G-Mart Comics. All rights reserved.